
How to Create Graph Breaks in SigmaPlot BY PETER THOMAS   SigmaPlot is a data analysis package that is used to conduct statistical analysis of data. You can take your information a
评论(4)   添加日期:2020/3/1   浏览量:1020
几种常见的缺失数据插补方法   (一)个案剔除法(Listwise Deletion)   最常见、最简单的处理缺失数据的方法是用个案剔除法(listwise deletion),也是很多统计软件(如SPSS和SAS)默认的缺失值处理方法。在这种方法中如果任何一个变量含有缺失数据的话,就把相对应的个案从分析中剔除。如果缺失值所占比例比较小的话,这一方
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打开应用提示指向.Net Framework安装位置 1.打开注册表 2.依次打开HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework 3.打开InstallRoot,如无新建一个InstallRoot字符串键值,写入C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\(64系统)
评论(3)   添加日期:2020/2/25   浏览量:1240
Converting ATLAS.ti Projects to NVivo ATLAS.ti projects (versions 5.2 and 5.5) can be converted to NVivo. To do this, you will need to first export the Hermeneutic Unit (HU) as an XML file (*.x
评论(2)   添加日期:2020/2/24   浏览量:779
Problem Note 47874: The Renew SAS® Software utility for SAS® 9.3 or SAS® 9.4 might fail and return "cannot open" error messages   When you use the Renew SAS Softw
评论(16)   添加日期:2019/11/3   浏览量:2500
A scatter diagram is an extremely simple statistical tool used to show a relationship between two variables. It is often combined with a simple linear regression line used to fit a model between th
评论(4)   添加日期:2019/10/23   浏览量:926
  EndNote X9 Windows and Mac: Release Notes 2019-9-24•Article   Article Windows:   X9.2 Update   This update contains the following:
评论(29)   添加日期:2019/10/13   浏览量:1161
  EndNote X9: Updates 2019-9-24•Article   Article Note: For the Release Notes of EndNote X9 for Windows and Mac, please see EndNote X9 Windows and Mac: Release No
评论(19)   添加日期:2019/10/13   浏览量:1220
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