
转移NVivo for Mac软件到新的电脑

How do I move my NVivo for Mac Software to a new computer?

Before you move NVivo for Mac to a new computer, make sure you have your full 25 character NVivo 10 for Windows, or NVivo 11 for Windows (Pro or Plus Editions) or NVivo for Mac license key handy. You will find the key in the email you received from QSR (if you downloaded the software) or on the packaging (if you purchased the physical installation media – USB flash drive or DVD). If you’re using NVivo as part of a site license, your organization’s site license contact should be able to provide you with this key.

Note: NVivo 10 for Windows licence keys will only activate NVivo 10 for Mac.

NVivo 11 Starter for Windows edition keys cannot be used to activate NVivo for Mac.

Deactivating your license

To transfer NVivo for Mac from one computer to another, firstly deactivate the license on the original computer. To do this: 

  1. Make sure that you are connected to the Internet. 
  2. Start NVivo by clicking the NVivo icon in the dock or double-click the NVivo icon in the Applications folder in the Finder. 
  3. Select NVivo > Licensing > Deactivate from the NVivo app menu.
  4. Click Deactivate to confirm.NVivo deactivates the license and displays a message to confirm that the license has been deactivated.
  5. Click OK. The NVivo application automatically closes.

Re-installing and activating your software

To re-install NVivo for Mac on your new computer, we recommend you download the most recent version of our software which can be found at our Downloads page.

Step by step instructions for installing and activating NVivo can be found in the NVivo for Mac Getting Started Guide.

Once the software is installed on your new computer, when you open NVivo for Mac the first time you will need to enter and activate your license.

Moving existing projects

Once you’ve installed the NVivo for Mac software on your new computer, you may also wish to move your existing NVivo projects to the new computer. To do this:

  1. Locate and then copy the NVivo project file using the Finder to a USB or external disk.
  2. Attach the USB or external disk to the new computer and copy the NVivo project file to Documents folder.
  3. If you have linked media files, be sure to also copy these files as well.
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